Derek recently acquired a new pellet grill/smoker and the trials are on! So far we’ve had grilled chicken legs, and tonight he made jerky. But the real test comes tomorrow. Pulled pork. All day. While we are at work!
For those of you wondering, we bought a Rec Tec Grill (Model #RT-680). Guys. The handles for opening the thing are shaped like the horns on a bull. It’s so … uh … country? Texas? I just don’t know. Derek and the kiddo put it together, and despite some of the construction being done by a 3 year old, it seems pretty sturdy. And man can it put out some smoke.
Want to know more? Check it out here: Also, coincidentally, I just learned of the price tag on this beauty (thank goodness for sales) when I looked it up for this blog post. This thing better make the best meat in the world.