So you think you like meat?

You think you are the biggest fan of meat out there, but veteran MeatFest attendee Kyle Hetrick may have you beat. He has been attending MeatFest since its inception (2006 we think), introduced the idea of bringing a meat-based side to MeatFest, and submitted this poem for our blog.


Counsel to Piglings
by Robert Hedgepig
Snuffle ye truffles while ye can
Old Time is still a flying,
And somewhere surely hangs the Pan
That bits of ye will fry in.
That Frying Pan of Heaven the Sun
Will wink while ye are hissing,
So trot along and have some fun
While none of ye is missing.
Work Cited:
Hogge, Henry, editor. The Pig Poets. HarperCollinsPublishers, 1995.