Piggy Love

Kyle Hetrick, a dedicated MeatFester sent this:

With the Festival of Meat drawing night, I’m feeling led to submit another contribution for possible consideration, some more verse from my pig poetry tome. Have some tissues near by, as this touching ode may find you waxing lacrimose.

The Passionate Pig Poet to his Sow
by Christopher Wallowe
Come live with me and be my mate
And share my corner by the gate
-This ditch and all that it supplies
Of bugs and slugs and fleas and flies.
There thous shalt sit upon thy hams
And know the joys of she who crams,
For breakfast I shall bring thee roses,
Lunch – a thousand fragrant posies.
And I shall scratch thee with my snout
And cherish all thy parts about,
And if thou think’st such pleasures rate,
Come live with me and be my mate.
Work Cited:
Hogge, Henry, editor. The Pig Poets. HarperCollinsPublishers, 1995.